- Cards and deal
- Set the Ace of spades
in the middle of the board as the base-card. Deal all the other cards face up in seventeen fans of three in an orbit around it.
- Object
- To win cards by successfully building them to the base pile. Build by taking any of the 17 exposed cards of a fan to a central pile based on the Ace. Building may be done in ascending or descending sequence regardless of suit, going up or down ad lib and changing direction as often as necessary. Ranking is continuous between Ace and King. For example, in this illustration you could start by playing diamond 2, heart 3, diamond 4, etc, or heart K, diamond Q, after which you will be stuck as no Jack is available.
- Play
- Non-dealer plays first, announcing whether they will play upwards or downwards. If upwards, the next cards must be 2-3-4 etc;
if downwards, they must be K-Q-J etc. That player continues for as long as possible. When stuck, the second player continues
by starting a new central pile with the next card in sequence but in the opposite direction. Thus, if the first player began A-2-3-4 and
then stuck, the second would continue by playing a Three to the centre and continuing downwards with 2-A-K etc. Whenever a player gets stuck,
they win all the cards of the pile they last played to and keep them for scoring later.
- Ending and scoring
- The game ends when all 52 cards have been won. Whoever played the last card wins the last pile, and everybody scores the number of cards they have won.