- Dealer's left-hand neighbour leads to the first trick;
- You must follow suit if you can, but may otherwise play any card;
- A trick is taken by the highest trump if any, else by the highest card of the suit led;
- The winner of each trick leads to the next.
game name | how trumps are chosen or tricks otherwise won |
1. Majority rule | Put out a card of a suit you propose as trump. When all are ready turn it face up. The trump is the suit of which most are shown, or (if equal) of the suit showing the highest card or cards. (If three play, and all show different suits, trump is the suit that nobody shows.) |
2. As you were | Trump suit is if 3 succeeded in the previous deal, if 2, if 1, if 0 (or if there was no previous deal). |
3. Ring o'Roses | Each suit trumps one other suit led to a trick thus: trumps led, trumps , trumps , trumps |
4. Top down | Suits outrank one another in order , so all 36 cards run from A (highest) down to 6 (lowest), and any higher card beats any lower. |
5. All Trump | The trick is taken by the highest card played, regardless of suit. Of equally high cards, the last played wins |
6. Naughty Nun | Play at no trump to normal rules. However, Nines may not be used as bid cards, and the first card led to the first trick must be a Nine. If the leader hasn't got one, the lead passes to the next player in rotation who has. |
7. Snap! | If you can't follow suit you may "trump" by playing a card of the same rank as the one led and calling "Snap!" If you don't call snap (whether by accident or design) it doesn't take effect. If two players snap (and say so) the second snap wins. |
8. Seconds | There is no trump but a trick is always taken by the second-highest card of the suit led. Or, if no one follows, by the second-highest regardless of suit, and, if tied, by the second-played of these.) |
9. Ninepins | The Nines do not belong to their normal suits but form a separate four-card trump suit of their own (like the Jacks at Skat) and may not be used as bid-cards. Highest is 9, followed by 9 then 9 then 9. If a Nine is led you must follow with a Nine if possible. (This was originally called Cloud Nine, but I've since used that title for a different game.) |
- Optional game type
- In case you find Ninepins too complicated, or want to replace one of the other bids, an optional alternative game is "Surprise!". In this one, you play at no trump till somebody can't follow suit. The suit of whatever they discard becomes trump for the rest of the hand.