- Cards and deal
- For trick-play use 52 cards ranking AKQJT98765432 in each suit. Take also four additional cards from another pack, one of each suit (four Aces, for example), to serve as 'identity cards'. A game is four deals, though cards are physically dealt only at the very beginning of the game. Decide who deals first by any agreed means.
- Identities
- The first dealer is designated North. Rotating from North's left the other players are identified respectively as East, South, and West. North is represented by spades, East by hearts, South by clubs, and West by diamonds. These identities and suit associations remain unchanged throughout the game.
- Deal
- After thorough shuffling, deal 13 cards each, in ones, from the playing pack. Shuffle the identity cards. (Not easy! North should place them face down on the table and slide them around as if playing 'Find the Lady'.) Then each in turn, starting with East, takes one ID card at random until all four have been taken. Don't show your identity card to anyone else but keep it face down in front of you. The suit of your identity card indicates which other player is your 'dupe', meaning that at end of play you will score for the cards that that player wins. (You may turn out to be your own dupe, but, if so, keep it to yourself!)
- Object
- To seek to make your dupe's hand score high for melds (combinations).
- Trick play
- For each trick, everyone plays a card face down. When all are ready their cards are revealed. The trick is taken by the highest-ranking card. If this is tied, it's taken by the lowest. If still equal, you each 'win' the card you played by adding it face down to your won cards (see below).
- Trick winning and distribution
- On winning a trick you give one of its constituent cards to each player, including yourself. You may distribute the four cards how you please, bearing in mind that you will help your score best by favouring your dupe. You all keep your won cards face down.
- Scoring
- You each count the value of your final hand of won cards as described below, and its score is credited to
the player whose dupe you are. Your score is calculated thus:
1 per card of your longest suit multiplied by 1 per card of your longest sequence regardless of suit (Ace counting high or low as preferred by the player whose dupe you are)
plus 6 for each set of three cards of the same rank and 8 for each set of four.
Scoring examples
8 3 2
K J 9 8 7
9 2
6 5 3 = 5
x 5(5-9) + 0=25
A 7
A 3
K 10 8 7 6 3
J 7 2 = 6
x 3(6-8) + 6=24
J 10 4
Q 10 5
A 4
A K 10 8 4 = 5
x 5(10-A) + 6=31
K Q 9 6 5
6 4 2
Q J 5
Q 9=5
x 3(J-K or 4-6) + 6 = 21
Note: Ace counts high or low in a sequence. If a hand contains no sequence, call it a sequence of 1 instead of multiplying by 0. - Continuation
- Pick up your 13 won cards and use them as your hand for the next deal. Before play, shuffle the identity cards and take one each as before. Remember that players retain their identities and suit associations throughout the game.
- Game
- After four deals the winner is the player with the highest cumulative score